Friday, April 3, 2009

Passing It On

Join us at "Passing It On," an evening of star performances to benefit Rosie's Broadway Kids. Click here to purchase your tickets!


Petra said...

Oh how I wished I lived closer!

Good luck with the evening, I hope it goes well and that a lot of money is raised for your efforts!

: ) P

Petra said...

I would like to suggest that you add to this blog that amazing video of Mary and Ben Page singing together. It was truly phenomenal, I had spingles from beginning to end.

I think it might be helpful if you had a mini-biography of Mary (or whichever student might be highlighted in a video) available as well. Something like, "Mary was part of the very first RBKids program when she was in fifth grade. Along with the rest of the students, she learned X,Y and Z and experienced A, B and C. Her formidable talents led her to be invited to participate in X. Since then, there's been no stopping her. Now X-years old, Mary continues to amaze us."

I just think that a little information like that will give people who DON'T know very much about RBK an idea of how amazing the program is.

Thanks for "listening" to me!

: ) P

Petra said...

Have a great time tonight! Best wishes for a successful evening. Please post videos of the event soon?

: ) P